“I came into these sessions chewing on a question about gifted aloneness that felt a bit practical—how can gifted people make friends (especially gifted people who are naturally leaders, teachers, and mentors)? I finished our session with meaningful possibilities to explore in regard to that, but, to my amazement, I also experienced a genuine easing of what had previously seemed an insatiable hunger for connection. And, more amazingly, I don’t think that easing is solely the result of getting time each week to hang out with like-minds. It seems that it also came from collaborating on a sort of ritual experiment, communing with the greater spirit of Giftedness of the Intellectual and Sensuous Outlier in an embodied rather than theoretical way that has, to put it bluntly, taught me how to be a better friend to myself.” – R.Z.

People Who Get Me begins again on November 7, 2022. This six week group coaching experience will expand your understanding of giftedness and of yourself. Each week, group members gather for 90 minutes for exploration, learning, and intimate encounters. You’ll receive weekly readings, links to info, food for thought, thematic prompts. These groups are tailored. After each session, I use the themes that emerged to construct the following week’s session. It will be an experience unique to the dynamic of the people in it. I hope you’ll join us.

Email me at gordon@gordonsmithasheville.com to let me know you’d like to be a part of it and/or to ask any questions you might have.


Dates/times: November 7, 14, 21, 28; December 5, 12. 6:15 – 7:45pm Eastern Time

Cost: $299 per person

Am I expected to attend all sessions? It makes the group better if you do.

How many people are in the group? Minimum of four. Maximum of eight.

This group has changed the way I think about my own inner experience of giftedness, and, really, the way I experience myself as a gifted person. Several weeks on I continue to have new insights about my relationship to the topics we discussed. For example, through the group, I gained awareness of how certain parts of my gifted self, such as my high conscientiousness and intense curiosity, show up and affect my daily life. As a result of these insights I now find myself relating to those parts in a more sustainable way. – B.R.


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