Get in touch

If you’d like to speak via phone or secure video to get your questions answered and determine if we’re a good fit, we can do that. We can also connect via email or with the contact form below.

My practice is 100% online

A virtual counseling/coaching practice allows for a lot of convenience for clients. When we work together, we’ll use Zoom Pro – which is a HIPAA compliant video conferencing platform. For coaching clients and international clients we may use Doxy, Zoom, or other platforms depending upon your preferences. I can also do phone/voice sessions at your request. For those of you exploring whether to engage counseling, coaching, or improv services, I offer a free, 20-minute consultation. This will give you a chance to get a feel for me, ask any questions you may have, and tell me a bit more about what you’re looking for. Then we can go from there.

My practice is entirely online via Zoom. If you need my business address, please let me know.