Since devoting the whole of my practice to intense, complex neurodivergents back in 2016, I’ve found that conventional tools are helpful to varying degrees. Beyond those – I’ve learned that there are alternative, unconventional approaches that can move people from pathology paradigms to expansive, growth orientations. These creative approaches, long given side-eye by traditionalists, are now being proven. I intend to bring more of these expansive processes into the world of ‘mental health’. New offerings in 2025 reflect these evolutions. You’re invited.
Come on over to my website to have a look at four coaching groups that are opening up for you.
*Gifted Adults Group Experience* (formerly People Who Get Me) is a space to learn more about what giftedness is, how it co-occurs with other neurodivergences, and more about your gifted inner matrices. This six week series brings a small group of explorers together – minimum six, maximum nine. Each week builds upon the last in a group co-creation that facilitates a safe, accepting, organic, iterative process of unfolding.
*Improv for Gifted Adults* is a hilarious and emboldening annual offering. Improv is a path to gifted development that leads with laughter and play. Play requires safety and trust, and it has no goal other than itself. In Improv, we create a container that allows you to take your inner child out for ice cream. Improv has proven, again and again, that playing in a room of other outliers changes lives. In addition to the rich ‘afterparty’ discussion, the pure trustbuilding of Improv is an expansive and fun way to heal old wounds.
*Magnum Opus* is a quarterly event that will take you through a process that creates flow, overriding resistance to creative expression in its unique construction. You will be surprised, stimulated, and abuzz with what you discover here. You’ll be led through an experience of writing seven poems in under an hour, and what you find will accelerate the development of your creative dimensions.
*Poetic Reasoning* is a space to tap into the infinite well of imagination in your consciousness. Intellect and Emotions are revered in many cultures, too often at the expense of the Creative, Imaginational, and Unconscious parts of ourselves. In gifted and otherwise neurodivergent people, our complex imaginal worlds are under-nurtured and underutilized, and yet these sensibilities offer us avenues for growth and perspective that are not available any other way. This eight week journey, offered in partnership with Laura Hope-Gill, will teach you new ways to see and experience yourselves and your worlds.